Tuareg Rebels Claim Responsibility for Deadly Attack on Malian Army Camp

Afaf Fahchouch
Afaf Fahchouch
2 Min Read
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The separatist rebellion, dominated by Tuareg insurgents, has announced its responsibility for causing the deaths of dozens of Malian army soldiers during Thursday’s attack on the Dioura camp in the central region. Initially, the rebels issued a statement claiming to have counted 98 soldiers’ bodies.

Later, in a second statement released under the name of the Permanent Strategic Framework, a structure dominated by the Coordination of Azawad Movements, the rebels claimed the deaths of 81 soldiers. They also asserted that they had wounded dozens of soldiers and captured five, while losing seven of their own fighters.

Verifying the rebels’ claims and those of all combatants in these remote areas is challenging. Access to independent sources is complicated in the midst of hostilities and military rule.

So far, the Malian army has only reported the attack on its Dioura camp on Thursday without providing further details, despite the circulation of reports and images about the events in Dioura on social media.

Since the end of August, northern Mali has witnessed a resurgence of hostilities by the Coordination of Azawad Movements and an intensification of attacks against the Malian army. These operations have targeted several army locations.

This development coincides with the ongoing withdrawal of the United Nations mission under pressure from the ruling military council since 2020.



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