Cameroon Launches KHPC to Build Its Largest Hydroelectric Dam

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Cameroon’s hydroelectric sector is welcoming a new player, the Kikot Hydro Power Company (KHPC), which was inaugurated on Monday, September 25th, with the goal of constructing a new hydroelectric dam by 2030to constructed dam ever, this project aims to address Cameroon’s persistent electricity supply challenges.

The construction of this dam, scheduled to commence at the end of 2025, is viewed by the government as part of its strategy to anticipate the needs of households and, more importantly, the industrial sector.

Supply and Demand Imbalance

While the current supply will soon be bolstered by the 420 megawatts from the Nachtigal Dam, currently under construction, it may not suffice by 2030, explains Gaston Eloundou Essomba, the Minister of Water and Energy:

“In 2030, the Nachtigal Dam will indeed be in production, but we will face an imbalance between supply and demand. We have made demand forecasts, and at that point, we will no longer be able to meet the demands of the population or the needs of the industries. We must transform our raw materials: industries require more energy.”

Cameroon’s Largest Energy Project

To oversee the project and dam construction works, a dedicated company, KHPC, has been established. The Director-General, Marlène Biessy, underscores the significance of this dam: “With the 500 megawatts represented by the Kikot electrical facility, it will be the largest energy project in Cameroon, and also in the Central African sub-region, by 2030, the year this project is set to commence operation.”

KHPC is a project company jointly owned by the Government of Cameroon and its partner, Électricité de France (EDF).

Soukaina Sghir

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