Enhancing Partnerships with Morocco After Disaster

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In the latest developments, British General Richard Sherif, the former deputy to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, emphasized the significance of Morocco’s commitment to rebuilding the earthquake-affected regions, stating that it is an ambitious and crucial endeavor. He noted that Rabat is a unique ally, and even before this catastrophe, there was a need to strengthen partnerships with them further.

Sherif pointed out that predicting disasters of this magnitude is challenging, but there are crises in our world today that can be foreseen and should not be ignored as they unfold on our borders. He cited the crisis in Ukraine, which highlighted the importance and strength of strategic partnerships in maintaining regional security. He emphasized that the future goal should revolve around forming partnerships capable of anticipating conflicts.

He underscored the necessity of using predictive intelligence and situational awareness to identify areas where instability could lead to chaos and to prepare our allies to contain such situations. He stressed that it is crucial to consider not only the North but also the South and beyond Morocco to the Sahel region.

Sherif went on to highlight Morocco’s role as a trusted ally and partner in intelligence and counter-terrorism. He noted Morocco’s successful efforts in preventing over 300 terrorist attempts since the events of September 11 and its contribution to peacekeeping missions. Moreover, Morocco ranks as the second-largest investor in economic development on the African continent and a crucial guarantor of food security.

The former British military officer stressed that dealing more robustly with partners will allow us to gain valuable insights into the complexities of the region. He pointed out the need for a well-thought-out strategy that recognizes the importance of self-governance and understands that those who will live through the future in the region must have a say in shaping it.

Sherif attributed the failure of European policy in the Sahel region to an inability to acknowledge this fundamental reality. He stressed the urgent need to act swiftly and decisively to calm crises in the area, emphasizing that such actions must be supported by our allies. He concluded by emphasizing that the lesson learned from the Ukraine crisis is that Western and global security are intertwined, and friendly nations in Africa are as much in need of us as we are of them.


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