Franco-Moroccan Artists Unite in Solidarity Following Morocco Earthquake

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Morocco is currently racing against time to locate survivors in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck last Friday, leaving an indelible mark of sorrow and devastation. The world has been deeply moved by the tragedy, and in France, a wave of support is swelling as artists rally to encourage donations and assistance.

Renowned comedian Jamel Debbouze wasted no time in flying to Morocco in the wake of the catastrophe. On Monday, September 11th, he found himself in Marrakech, the city where he founded a comedy festival twelve years ago. His mission was to donate blood, a small gesture in the face of overwhelming adversity. “I am deeply moved to be here. We’ve had the chance to witness the incredible solidarity that is unfolding. It should be captured on film, we need to see how supportive Moroccans are,” he remarked emotionally.

Another prominent Franco-Moroccan artist, actor, and filmmaker Gad Elmaleh, took to the airwaves of BFMTV just hours after the earthquake to amplify the call for donations by the Secours populaire (Popular Relief). “I feel that we need to be prepared, all those who want to help, with a substantial fund – the larger, the better. When the needs are clearly articulated, we should be ready, thanks to the Secours populaire, to send this money and provide assistance. To those who are perplexed and tearful in front of their TVs, unsure of what to do, I say that every cent counts for those in distress,” the comedian passionately conveyed.

Television host Arthur also announced that a music video featuring various celebrities is in the works, aimed at further galvanizing support and funds. Gad Elmaleh is contemplating the possibility of organizing a gala or a special broadcast event to harness the outpouring of solidarity.

The response from these Franco-Moroccan artists exemplifies the power of empathy and the unity of purpose in times of crisis. Their actions not only serve as a beacon of hope but also underline the importance of international solidarity when confronting natural disasters. As the world watches Morocco grapple with the aftermath of this tragedy, the artistic community’s dedication to raising awareness and resources is a testament to the boundless spirit of humanity.

Soukaina Sghir

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