Graves Drowned in Sewage Spark Family’s Anguish Over Municipal Neglect

Afaf Fahchouch
Afaf Fahchouch
2 Min Read
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Durban is in a shocking display of municipal neglect, the graves of two beloved family members were discovered to be engulfed in raw sewage at Mobeni Heights Cemetery, south of Durban. The distressing incident, caused by a burst sewer pipe, persisted for several months without prompt resolution.

After the story captured headlines, Eyewitness News joined the Phungula family in their visit to the gravesite. To their astonishment, municipal workers were finally addressing the burst sewerage pipes, seemingly spurred into action by the public outcry.

The Phungula family, however, expressed their deep disappointment and anger towards the local municipal officials, who they claim had previously ignored their pleas for help. Mthabiso Phungula, a member of the family, conveyed the emotional toll this situation had taken on her and her family. She recounted the frustrating journey they embarked upon, trying to bring attention to the issue.

Despite their efforts, the family alleges that they were met with indifference, having been passed around by various officials without any meaningful resolution. Even after persistently reaching out to authorities, they were ultimately blocked by an official on WhatsApp, compounding their sense of abandonment by the municipality.

In response to the mounting pressure and public attention, municipal authorities have now pledged to address the issue. While they claim that corrective action is underway, the Phungula family remains vigilant, hoping for a lasting solution that respects the dignity of their loved ones’ final resting place.


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