Marcel Guilavogui Continues to Provide Testimony at the Trial of the September 28th Massacre

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Marcel Guilavogui

Marcel Guilavogui continues to deliver his version of the events at the trial of the 28th September massacre. Back at the bar since Tuesday, this co-accused overwhelmed his uncle, the former coup captain, Moussa Dadis Camara. Marcel Guilavogui answered questions from the prosecutor this morning.

In October, during his first stint at the helm, he was walled in silence. Marcel promised this time to tell the whole truth. His story is rich in detail. He claims that on the morning of September 28th, 2009, Moussa Dadis Camara, beside himself, decided to send his parallel guard to “subdue” the opposition leaders. The president goes there and Marcel goes looking for him. Marcel admits having been at the stadium but did not see “a body”, “because it was the beginning”, he believes.

So far, this new hearing, which had created a lot of expectations, leaves many questions unanswered. Troubled personality, under tension, the soldier lacks coherence, and his story is very disjointed. This Tuesday morning, the prosecutor questions him about the episode of the Ambroise clinic which he allegedly threatened to blow up with a grenade, if the political leaders did not come out of it.

The Case Adjourned to the Next Day Shortly Before Noon

It is ultimately his word against that of the other defendants. “I’m telling you the truth, it’s this truth that you have to take,” he says, without further argument. A little before noon, a lawyer from Toumba asks to speak. He announces that his client is ill, and needs to receive “treatment”. So that all the defendants can attend this new hearing of Marcel, the president has decided to postpone the case until tomorrow.

Soukaina Sghir

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