Stormy Conclusion to Parliamentary Session in Madagascar

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The final day of the parliamentary session in Madagascar proved to be a tumultuous affair, marred by twists and turns that left much to be desired. Despite a constitutional obligation, the anticipated face-to-face meeting between the deputies and the government was repeatedly postponed and ultimately did not take place at all. The day was characterized by hesitation and escalating tensions, culminating in an emergency vote late in the evening to remove certain members of the permanent office.

At 3 p.m., the deputies were summoned to deliberate on the fate of former senior state officials entangled in legal matters. Their task was to determine whether the cases against these individuals should be forwarded to the High Court of Justice. However, as has been the case for the past three years, the parliamentary chamber stood empty during the crucial vote.

The lack of a quorum meant that the vote could not proceed, further exacerbating the frustration of Honoré Tsabotokay, deputy for the Vohipeno district and president of the Special Impeachment Commission. Tsabotokay expressed his dismay, asserting that the failure to impeach former ministers reflected poorly on the legislature and hindered the pursuit of justice through the High Court process.

Two hours later, the deputies were summoned once again, this time to decide on the dismissal of three members from the permanent office of the National Assembly. This included two vice presidents affiliated with the presidential party, IRD, and a quaestor associated with the opposition party, TIM, led by Marc Ravalomanana. The outcome of this vote would prove to be pivotal, but the intense political climate surrounding the session raised doubts about its efficacy.

Soukaina Sghir

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