DRC: National Funeral in Emory of Flood Victims

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National mourning is being observed in the DRC in memory of the victims of the floods that hit the town of Bushushu, located in South Kivu. The latest report published on Sunday states that 400 people were found dead.

The administrator of the territory of Kalehe said that they had found 142 bodies in Bushushu, 132 in Nyamukubi, and 120 floating on Lake Kivu.

This is just a provisional toll that could rise, as civil society organizations claim that more than 4000 people are still missing.

The devastating effects of climate change continue to make headlines around the world, as communities and nations grapple with the aftermath of natural disasters. Recently, heavy rains and flooding in several African countries have left a trail of destruction, displacing families and causing loss of life. In response, civil society groups have called for urgent action to evacuate affected individuals and prevent further harm.

In one instance, at least 131 people lost their lives in Rwanda after floods hit the country. The tragic incident underscores the urgent need for proactive measures to address climate change and its effects. Experts have long warned that climate change is leading to more frequent and severe weather events, such as floods, droughts, and hurricanes, that are causing widespread devastation and loss of life. Governments and communities must work together to mitigate these risks and protect vulnerable populations.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has also sounded the alarm on the link between climate change and natural disasters. He has noted that these events are a direct consequence of the changing climate, which is causing temperatures to rise and weather patterns to shift. The Secretary-General has called for a concerted global effort to address climate change, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, investing in renewable energy, and promoting sustainable development.

Jihan Rmili

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