Central African Republic: Confusion among Ramadji residents after new fires in Bangui

nour el houda bouzammour
nour el houda bouzammour
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Victims are now trying to resume normal life after a fire broke out at KM5 in Bangui, Ramadji district on Wednesday 28 December.

The fire started at the hydrocarbon site. After this tragedy, the government banned the import of barrel fuel for commercial purposes.

A lot of affected families have started repairing their homes, while others are bringing order to the rubble. A young volunteer is trying to clean up the place. They use hammers and nail pullers to remove the roof before repairing the burnt-out house.

The Resident Ms Epiphanie said, “It’s really heartbreaking because there are so many losses and families are shedding tears.” The fire also damaged two lanes. The Red Cross provided intensive care to about 10 injured.

Despite this measure, Energy Secretary Arthur Bertrand Piri said there are exceptions, such as “vehicles transporting barrels for consumption or for official duty”.

On the other hand, “for commercial purposes, the transportation of fuel in barrels is prohibited throughout the territory”.


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