Moroccan artists are selected for the Entertainment Makers Awards in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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The Saudi capital, Riyadh, will host one of the largest and most prestigious awards and honouring ceremonies for entertainment makers in the Arab world “Joy awards”, in its second season, in the Boulevard area of Riyadh City.

It is one of the most prestigious Arab awards, which represents public recognition of excellence in artistic and sports achievements, where the best artists and athletes in different fields, including art, cinema, drama, music, and sports, are nominated to compete for thirteen awards.

In the same matter, a group of Moroccan stars entered the competition and competed for the best song of 2022, including the artist Saad Lamjarred, who competes in the duet he collected with Elisa “From the First Minute”, and his last song “The Throat”, in addition to his nomination for the Best Artist Award, and for the category of Best Artist, Moroccan Diva Samira Said and the star Asma Al-Munawar were nominated, along with various stars of the Arab song such as Myriam Fares, Amr Diab, Ahmed Saad, Tamer Hosni, Elissa, Nancy Ajram, Hussein Al Jasmi, Rahma Riad and others.

It is noteworthy that the audience is the one who chooses the winners in the different categories, by voting through the application of the ceremony on several different prizes within five categories, and four candidates are nominated for each prize.

Soukaina Sghir

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