French TV star and model “Marine Himer” converts to Islam

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The French TV star and model, Marine Al-Haymar, converted to Islam months ago, but she revealed this on Wednesday.

The French star shared a video clip on her official account on the Instagram platform, while she was in a mosque in France, pronouncing the two “testimonies”, officially announcing her conversion to Islam, after many months of reservation, in response to all the questions she received on the subject.

She accompanied the video with a comment, saying: “There are paths that you must take alone, without family or friends, only between you and God.”

She added: “The decision to enter Islam was a choice of the soul, heart and mind. I developed tremendously and changed my sense of priorities and thinking about certain options for life.”

It is important to note that Marilyn has Moroccan origins, and was born in Bordeaux, southern France.

Soukaina Sghir

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