Tag: kidal

Strategic Implications Following the Capture of Kidal by Malian Armed Forces

In a significant development, the Malian military, supported by mercenaries from the

Soukaina Soukaina

Citizens of Kidal, Mali Express Concerns Over Algeria’s Role in Internal Conflict

In a significant development, the residents of Kidal, a city in Mali,

Soukaina Soukaina

Mali: There Was No Referendum in Kidal According to the Signatory Armed Groups

Armed groups that signed the 2015 peace agreement affirm that the constitutional

maryam lahbal maryam lahbal

Mali: former CMA and CSP-PSD Rebels Still Opposed to Constitutional Referendum

In Mali, the former rebels are maintaining their opposition to the constitutional

Jihane Jihane

Mali: New Surge of Displaced People from Ménaka to Kidal

In Mali, the progression of the Islamic State group in the Ménaka

maryam lahbal maryam lahbal