Central African Republic: Defense Ministry Denies Involvement in Beheading Incident

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Central African

The Ministry of Defense in the Central African Republic has denied any responsibility for the gruesome scene circulating on social media since early this week, depicting the photo of two decapitated men. Authorities acknowledge that warlord José Befio was killed alongside another bandit during recent clashes, but they claim to have no information on the fate of their bodies and cannot confirm the identities of those in the photograph.

The image shows two mutilated bodies seated against a wall, with their severed heads placed between their hands. Enrica Picco from the International Crisis Group remarked that the extreme violence reminiscent of the early days of the civil war between the Séléka and Anti-balaka factions a decade ago has never ceased.

José Befio was notorious for numerous atrocities against the population, particularly the Peul, during the Central African Republic’s civil unrest. In the early 2020s, he assisted President Faustin-Archange Touadéra’s forces in repelling the CPC rebel coalition’s offensive on Bangui. However, dissatisfied with his subsequent integration into the army, he reverted to leading a rebel group.

In a statement on Thursday, July 25, 2024, Minister Rameaux-Claude Bireau praised the success of the Central African Armed Forces (FACA) and their Russian allies in an operation against a rebel group comprising former Anti-balaka members who had joined and then left the army in Bouca sub-prefecture, Ouham prefecture.

Speculation abounds whether the beheadings are the result of a mining dispute, an act of revenge, or a terror message to those considering withdrawing support for FACA and their allies. Central African opposition leader Martin Ziguélé condemned the “heinous crimes” and reiterated the need to combat criminals targeting civilians. He emphasized that perpetrators must be arrested and brought to justice.

Amnesty International researcher Abdoulaye Diarra urged the Central African judiciary to investigate. However, Enrica Picco from the International Crisis Group highlighted the difficulty in determining the exact perpetrators of the beheadings. “It’s crucial to remain vigilant about the systematic integration of militias into the army,” she added.

This incident underscores the persistent volatility and the complex dynamics of violence in the Central African Republic, demanding immediate and effective measures to ensure justice and accountability.


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