Mauritius: This THESIS Was About Women Rally for Legislative Candidates

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Mauritian women are in preparation for the legislative elections that the date of for is still unknown. The women’s organization, FAZ, met on 21st July in Rose- Hill, involving women regardless of their background to convey a message to future contenders and political policymakers.

“Together towards the horizon,” the women of the Fam Ape Zwenn (FAZ), which is a Creole for women meet, and the energy was undeniably political. Former lady Socialite and currently an 82-year-old social personality of Mauritius, Paula Atchia encouraged the ladies to “Vote for females who are in contest when elections, expected in the following several months are to be held”.

Education crisis has been rising throughout the world and Sheila Bunwaree, an academician advocated for a revamping of the Mauritian education system, thus saying, the need for a change in the system to meet the society’s needs could not have been more necessary.

Of the attendees, three are ex ministers: Shirin Aumeeruddy-Cziffra, 75 years; the minister of justice in the beginning of the 1980s. She encapsulated the purpose of the gathering: “The important thing for us is to have a message for the future members of Parliament to come after the next legislative elections. ”

The key individuals of organizing FAZ movement are elderly they are above seventy years of age. As it has been pointed out by Daniella Bastien, an anthropologist, and a political activist, involved with youth politics, the meeting in Rose-Hill demonstrated the baton handover. “Many of these women were socially and politically participative in the 1970s holding senior responsibilities, some of them being ministers, and now… now, it feels like they are transferring the torch to the up and coming generation,” she noted.


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