Northeast DRC: Allegations of an Alliance Between a Tshopo Group and M23 Rebels

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In the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), members of the Lombi community have issued a memorandum to the governor of Tshopo province, claiming that a local rebel group has formed an alliance with the M23 Movement rebels, who are backed by Rwanda. The signatories of this document call for increased presence of the Congolese army to secure their territory, which borders the Lubero area in North Kivu, where the M23 operates.

In the memorandum addressed to the governor of Tshopo province, the Lombi community—a population residing in the Bafwasende territory—alerted authorities to a possible coalition between a local rebel group led by a self-proclaimed general named Shokoro and the M23 rebels. The two-page document, signed by 116 members of the Lombi community, includes testimony from Awasa Mango, the eighth signatory, who confirms the proximity of Shokoro’s militia to the M23 rebels:

“In the Banbodi and Loya groupings, Shokoro has already established his local government. The M23 rebels are complicit with Shokoro. We are neighboring the North Kivu province, specifically the Lubero territory, where the M23 reigns. It takes only a day’s walk to reach North Kivu. They create their own systems, appointing sector and group leaders.”

The Lombi community has designated Shokoro’s rebels as auxiliary forces to the M23 and has urgently appealed for government action:

“We primarily request adequate security and the presence of the Armed Forces of the DRC in all areas to secure our sectors. Their role is to protect civilians, but their presence is minimal. We need the Congolese army to prevent these North Kivu rebels from entering Tshopo province.”

Currently, official sources in Tshopo province acknowledge the presence of Shokoro’s troops in the Bafwasende territory. However, they do not confirm a potential collaboration with the M23 group. Additionally, the reported appointment of new group and village leaders by Shokoro is denied.

The Lombi community’s memorandum underscores a critical security concern in the northeast DRC, urging the national government to reinforce military presence and address the potential threat posed by the alliance of local rebels with the M23.


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