Eastern DRC: Do Burundian Troops Escalate Tensions with Kigali and Kampala?

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In addition to Rwanda, Uganda has also been implicated by United Nations experts for its involvement in the conflicts in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its alleged support for M23 rebels. Kampala vehemently denies these accusations.

However, the involvement of Burundian soldiers in the conflict further complicates the situation and exacerbates regional tensions. The role of Burundi could heighten tensions among the various actors involved.

Relations between Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi and Rwandan President Paul Kagame are strained, as are those between the Rwandan president and his Burundian counterpart, Évariste Ndayishimiye. This strain affects the crisis stemming from the resurgence and rising power of the M23 in eastern DRC.

Burundian troops are present in Congolese territory following a bilateral agreement between Kinshasa and Gitega. The Burundian army operates both independently and in coalition with Congolese forces.

According to certain sources, Burundian soldiers are sometimes at the forefront of the conflict. They have notably engaged on the Rwindi-Mabenga and Sake-Minova axes to combat M23 and Rwandan soldiers. Military sources indicate that Burundian forces have played a crucial role in strategies aimed at halting the M23’s expansion towards South Kivu.

UN experts report that Rwandan troops in the DRC have been instructed to specifically target Burundian forces. Some Burundian soldiers have even been captured and imprisoned by M23 and their allies.

Furthermore, several reports suggest that Rwanda has increased its support for Burundian rebels from the Resistance for the Rule of Law in Burundi (Red Tabara), who are present in Congolese territory. This could further exacerbate tensions between Rwanda and Burundi.

Western diplomatic missions in Kinshasa are increasingly advocating for international mediation to consider this new dynamic in upcoming diplomatic efforts to defuse tensions.

As the conflict in eastern DRC continues to draw in neighboring countries, the involvement of Burundian troops adds another layer of complexity to an already volatile situation, underscoring the need for comprehensive diplomatic engagement to address the multifaceted nature of the crisis.


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