DRC: Hearing Postponed for Absent Rumba Star Koffi Olomide

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In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), questions arise about whether authorities are targeting singer Koffi Olomide. The renowned rumba artist recently faced scrutiny from the media and communications regulator for comments made on national television, criticizing the troops engaged in combat against the M23 rebels and their Rwandan allies.

Subsequently, Olomide was summoned by the judiciary on Monday, July 15, but failed to appear as he was out of the country. Consequently, he obtained a postponement for his hearing. The Ministry of Justice clarified that no criminal charges have been filed against the musician.

Last week, Olomide expressed critical views on the situation in the eastern part of the country, comments he stands by, which led to two summonses: one before the Superior Council of Communication, which he attended, and another from the Court of Cassation’s prosecutor’s office, which he missed.

Olomide’s lawyer, Maître Jean Goewa Fils, presented documents to the prosecutor’s office explaining his client’s absence. “Our client left the country ‘in tempore non suspecto,’ during a non-suspicious period. He learned of the summons through social media like everyone else. We presented these documents to the authorities, including copies of his passport and plane ticket, confirming his absence from the country.”

With a busy cultural schedule, Olomide’s hearing has been rescheduled for August, according to our correspondent in Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa. “He has commitments to fulfill with his partners. Once the artist returns, we will accompany him to face the judiciary,” the lawyer added.

Opposition leader Martin Fayulu criticized the summons as a “distasteful distraction and an excessive insult” to the Congolese people. Fayulu, head of the Lamuka coalition, argued that amid daily humiliations, Congolese citizens desire a robust military response to aggressors rather than witnessing such intimidation episodes.

While the prosecutor’s office at the Court of Cassation issued the summons, Congolese Justice Minister Constant Mutamba intervened on Monday evening to confirm that no criminal case has been opened against Koffi Olomide.


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