New Family Code Criminalizing Homosexuality Submitted to Transitional Assembly

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The government of Burkina Faso has approved a decree introducing a new code governing individuals and families, which includes provisions criminalizing homosexuality. Under this new code, anyone engaging in or promoting homosexual practices will face penalties. The decree also includes other significant changes, such as the revocation of nationality.

“From now on, homosexuality and related practices are prohibited and punishable by law,” stated Edasso Rodrique Bayala, the Burkinabè Minister of Justice, following a cabinet meeting. While the exact penalties have yet to be specified, previously no legislation in Burkina Faso penalized homosexuality.

Another notable aspect of this new code is that customary or religious marriages will now be registered under civil status, thereby having “the same effects as civil marriage,” according to the document submitted to the transitional legislative assembly for review.

Regarding marriage, the legal age of majority, currently set at 20, will be lowered to 18. However, a judge may grant exceptional authorization for individuals wishing to marry at 16.

Additionally, the new code introduces provisions for the revocation of nationality. Any Burkinabè who “acts against the interests of the country” may lose their nationality. However, this revocation will not affect the children and spouses of the individual whose nationality is revoked, as clarified by Minister Bayala.

The proposed code has been forwarded to the transitional legislative assembly for examination and adoption. This move marks a significant shift in Burkina Faso’s legal landscape, with potential wide-ranging implications for its citizens.


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