Central African Republic: Resumption of French Budgetary Aid on the Horizon

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Central African

The Ministry of Finance of the Central African Republic has announced the forthcoming resumption of French budgetary aid, which had been suspended since June 2021. The suspension was initially due to accusations that the Central African Republic (CAR) was complicit in an anti-French campaign orchestrated by Russia. A French delegation visited Bangui from July 10 to 12 to finalize the details of the aid disbursement resumption.

In a public statement, the Central African Ministry of Finance confirmed this development, noting that the visit marked “a final consultation to enable the disbursement of budgetary support.” The French delegation included the head of the Sub-Saharan Africa office of the French Treasury and representatives from the French Development Agency.

Central African authorities highlighted the progress made in various reforms, particularly in the hydrocarbon sector and in improving revenue collection through the digitalization of services.

The budgetary aid was suspended three years ago, coinciding with a significant deterioration in bilateral relations due to the prominent activities of the Russian Wagner Group in the country. At the time, Paris criticized Bangui for failing to honor political commitments and for the dissemination of anti-French propaganda.

However, in recent months, there have been signs of rapprochement between Bangui and Paris. Indicative of this thawing relationship, President Faustin-Archange Touadéra has met with President Macron on multiple occasions. In April, a roadmap for a “constructive partnership” was signed, underscoring the renewed cooperation.

Prior to its suspension, the French budgetary aid to the Central African Republic amounted to 10 million euros. The Central African authorities are hopeful that the initial disbursements will occur by October.

Neither the French delegation nor the Central African officials provided additional comments when contacted.

This renewed engagement marks a significant step in revitalizing Franco-Central African relations, aiming to foster stability and development in the region.


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