Congolese Forces Accuse Kigali of Violating US-Brokered Truce in Eastern DRC

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The Armed Forces (FARDC) have accused the Kigali regime of violating the two-week truce in eastern DRC, announced by the United States on July 5th, 2024. The FARDC alleges that Rwanda-backed M23 rebels have attacked their positions in the Masisi territory.

The humanitarian ceasefire in eastern DRC, brokered by the US, was intended to last two weeks but has already been broken. The Congolese military claims that the M23 rebels, with Rwandan support, attacked its positions in Masisi territory.

Local and security sources reported that M23 fighters took control of the village of Nyange on July 11, about 150 kilometers southeast of Goma, the capital of North Kivu province. The ceasefire collapsed in less than a week as heavy and light arms clashes erupted on Thursday between the Congolese army, supported by local armed groups, and the M23 rebels.

The clashes have caused significant displacement among the local population, according to the FARDC. Lieutenant-Colonel Ndjike Kaiko, spokesperson for the North Kivu army, accused the M23 of attacking their positions: “Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) terrorists launched simultaneous attacks at 4:52 AM on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, on the positions of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) and their partners in the villages of Nyange and Mbati. The FARDC and their partners strongly denounce Kigali’s failure to respect the truce.”

Fighting began on Wednesday in Nyange and Kitso-Bibwe in Masisi territory. Civil society and local residents confirmed the entry of M23 into these areas, though the rebel group withdrew from Bibwe on Thursday evening. The clashes led to the displacement of local populations, as confirmed by Congolese military officials. The M23 has yet to respond to the army’s accusations.

This situation highlights the fragile and volatile nature of peace efforts in the region, with civilian populations bearing the brunt of renewed hostilities. The international community continues to monitor developments closely, emphasizing the need for sustained dialogue and adherence to ceasefire agreements to prevent further escalation.


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