Gabon: Camp of Gaulle Transforms into Military Training Academy in Libreville

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A historic and symbolic ceremony took place on Tuesday, July 9th, in Libreville. The French military base, Camp of Gaulle, is no longer exclusively a French military site. It will now be a mixed-use facility, housing both French and Gabonese military personnel. This transformation marks the establishment of an academy dedicated to training African armies in various fields.

On Tuesday, July 9th, Gabonese and French officers inaugurated a military administration school, with an environmental academy set to open in the coming months. The event was held at the Place of Honor at Camp de Gaulle, where the sign reading “6th Marine Infantry Battalion” was replaced with “Academy.” Generals Martin Ossima Ndong of Gabon and Régis Colcombet of France received military honors from both nations’ armies, symbolizing this significant change.

General Ossima Ndong, Secretary General of the Gabonese Ministry of Defense, highlighted the importance of this transition. “This marks a renewal in military cooperation between our two states, transforming Camp de Gaulle into a center of excellence for training. We are delighted with this development,” he stated.

Following the military honors, the two generals unveiled the plaque for the Libreville Defense Forces Administration School (EAFDL), one of the first institutions to occupy part of the former French base.

General Régis Colcombet praised the evolution of Franco-Gabonese military cooperation. “In a complex world, we must work together. France is not leaving, nor staying the same, but truly transforming its role here in Gabon,” he remarked.

As part of this reorientation, the number of French military personnel in Gabon will be reduced from 350 to 200 soldiers this year, and the combat deployment will be scaled back.


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