Mali: Associate of Prime Minister Choguel Maïga Sentenced to One Year in Prison

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In a significant legal development in Mali, Boubacar Karamoko Traoré was sentenced on Monday to one year in prison for “undermining the credit of the State” and “spreading false statements likely to disturb public peace.” Traoré’s offense stemmed from signing a document, on behalf of his party, advocating for the return of civilian rule.

In May, Boubacar Karamoko Traoré, a close collaborator of Prime Minister Choguel Maïga, signed a communiqué on behalf of the faction of the political movement M5-RFP that remains loyal to Maïga. The document opposed the potential extension of military rule for several more years. His actions led to immediate arrest, and he was placed in custody and interrogated by the cybercrime unit.

Traoré faced charges of “undermining the credit of the State,” “insulting a magistrate,” and “spreading false statements likely to disturb social peace.” Since then, he has been held in provisional detention.

Following the announcement of the one-year prison sentence, attention has turned towards Prime Minister Choguel Maïga. Maïga had supported Traoré in his criticism of the military junta. This incident is not isolated; it follows a pattern where Maïga’s political associates have frequently faced judicial scrutiny. Observers are now questioning whether the Prime Minister will publicly address this issue or choose to remain silent once again.

Traoré’s conviction highlights the ongoing tension between military and civilian governance in Mali. The military junta’s grip on power and its resistance to transitioning to civilian rule have been contentious issues. Traoré’s sentence could be seen as a move to suppress dissent and discourage calls for a return to civilian leadership.


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