Cameroon: Opposition Coalition Proposes “Period of Exception” if Its Candidate Wins Presidency

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Ahead of the 2025 presidential, legislative, and municipal elections, various alliance projects have emerged in recent months. One prominent group, the Alliance for Peaceful Transition (ATP), led by Olivier Bile, CĂ©lestin Ndjamen, and Cabral Libii, among others, unveiled their manifesto to the press in late June. The document outlines the ATP’s vision of a “peaceful transition” for Cameroon.

“The transition will be a period of exception,” declare the signatories, describing it as a “historic pause” for “a new beginning.” They envision more than a mere change in leadership, advocating for a complete overhaul of fundamental laws to move from a hyper centralized and corrupt neocolonial dictatorship to a sovereign and democratic state where significant powers are devolved to local communities.

In the event of their candidate winning the presidential election, the ATP proposes a four-year transition period. This would involve convening national conferences, forming a national unity government, leading up to a referendum and general elections, including a two-round presidential election.

The manifesto does not specify who will represent the ATP in 2025. It also notes that the ATP is not the only alliance project within Cameroon’s opposition gearing up for the 2025 elections. Maurice Kamto, the runner-up in the 2018 presidential election, and MP Jean-Michel Nintcheu are advancing the APC (Political Alliance for Change) initiative. Both ATP and APC movements were labeled “clandestine” by Cameroon’s Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji, in March.


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