Concerns Persist Among Locals Following Pollution Incident at Ity Gold Mine

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Gold Mine

More than ten days after the pollution incident at the Ity gold mine in western Ivory Coast, which resulted in 185 cases of “mild intoxication,” the Ministry of Environment has assured the public that “the source of pollution has been controlled by the mining company,” according to an official statement.

Additionally, a formal notice to cease pollution has been issued to the Canadian company Endeavour, which operates the site. Despite the assistance provided to the nearby communities, doubts and concerns remain.

The village of Ouyatouo, situated approximately 400 meters from the Ity gold mine, lies along the drainage canal where mining waste was discharged. Upon learning of the incident, local chief CĂ©lestin Balla promptly raised awareness among the residents.

“I called the griot to alert the entire village not to drink from the stream or rainwater. The next day, we observed cases of diarrhea and vomiting. I contacted the mine, and they set up a technical team.”

As a preventive measure, fishing activities were suspended, and the tap water supply was cut off. The residents turned to the village’s hydraulic pump for water. On Tuesday, two tankers were sent to provide water to the community.

However, the residents remain divided, reflecting the concerns of Christophe Couymassan, the president of the local youth association. “We are very worried about those who are sick. The arrival of the two tankers brings some relief, but it is not enough for the entire village, which has seven neighborhoods. Why not help us with seven wells or perhaps a small water tower?”

Endeavour Mining claims that the incident has been “contained.” According to their statement, cleaning measures have been conducted within the diversion canal area. Nonetheless, the residents of this gold mining area await the publication of test results from the Ivorian Anti-Pollution Center to be fully reassured.

In summary, while official measures have been taken to address the pollution, the local community’s concerns highlight the ongoing need for transparent communication and comprehensive support to mitigate the impact of such environmental incidents


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