Cameroon Opposition Parties Condemn Minister’s Criticism of Leaders Ahead of 2025 Elections

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Two opposition parties have denounced statements made by the Minister of Territorial Administration targeting their leaders in the lead-up to the 2025 presidential election. On July 3rd, 2024, Paul Atanga Nji, without naming them, directed criticisms toward Maurice Kamto of the MRC and Cabral Libii of the PCRN during an address to the governors of the ten regions.

As Cameroon approaches a significant electoral year, with President Paul Biya having been in power for 42 years, the minister openly ridiculed both men. Regarding Maurice Kamto, President of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (MRC), who in May declared his readiness to die in 2025, Paul Atanga Nji suggested he need not wait, stating, “He will go and die alone, no one will accompany him to his grave. He doesn’t need to wait until 2025. Ropes are being sold in the markets everywhere.”

Concerning Cabral Libii, whose leadership of the Cameroon Party for National Reconciliation (PCRN) has been the subject of a legal battle for several months, Paul Atanga Nji likened him to a “nanny,” stating, “You take over someone’s party, go to the Assembly and claim you want to become the owner of this political party. But we have nannies in our homes. Nannies are there to take care of children. Are you implying that a nanny will say, ‘this is already my child’?”

On July 4, the two opposition parties condemned Minister Paul Atanga Nji’s remarks, emphasizing the contentious atmosphere preceding the upcoming elections.


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