Mali: At Least 21 Villagers Killed by JNIM in Djiguibombo

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At least 21 villagers were killed in Djiguibombo, located in the Bandiagara region of central Mali, during an attack on Monday afternoon. The attack has been attributed to the Katiba Macina, a faction of the Group to Support Islam and Muslims (JNIM), which is linked to al-Qaeda.

The assault began around 5 PM and lasted approximately three hours. According to various local sources, including elected officials, residents, and community representatives, a wedding ceremony was taking place at the time. In addition to the 21 bodies recovered, several individuals are reported missing; it is unclear if they fled, were killed, or were captured.

Local sources attribute the attack to jihadists from Katiba Macina. Djiguibombo, a predominantly Dogon village, was extensively damaged, with homes and granaries set ablaze. Another attack occurred the same day in the nearby village of Sokorokanda, where two people were reported killed.

This period, marking the beginning of the rainy season, often sees a rise in attacks. The region is frequently targeted by Katiba Macina, which generally attacks villages hosting traditional Dozo hunters’ posts, established as self-defense groups against jihadists, or those refusing to comply with JNIM’s local agreements and rules.

In recent months, several buses traveling on the nearby RN15 road have been attacked, with passengers abducted. The inhabitants of Diallassagou in the same region have also suffered greatly; 19 people were murdered in their fields last May, and over a hundred were killed two years ago.

The Malian army and their Wagner Group auxiliaries are stationed in Bandiagara, less than 20 kilometers from Djiguibombo. Despite their presence, the violence and insecurity persist, highlighting the severe challenges faced by the region in combating jihadist threats.


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