Burkina Faso: Mansila Reclaimed by Armed Forces from Jihadists

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Burkina Faso

In a significant military victory, Burkina Faso’s armed forces have successfully reclaimed the town of Mansila, near the Niger border, from jihadist control. Three weeks prior, terrorists affiliated with Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), an al-Qaeda-linked group, launched an assault on the local military detachment and various neighborhoods. This attack resulted in the tragic loss of over a hundred Burkinabe soldiers. The transitional authorities initially remained silent on the incident, but a decisive counter-offensive was swiftly mounted.

As of today, the national flag of Burkina Faso once again flies over Mansila, symbolizing the town’s liberation from jihadist forces. On June 11, 2024, JNIM terrorists attacked the military detachment and residential areas, causing significant casualties among Burkinabe troops. The lack of immediate official communication left the public in the dark, but special units of the armed forces soon executed a counter-offensive, regaining control of the area.

The reconquest of Mansila was complex and required meticulous planning. “The armed forces restore their honor in Mansila,” proclaimed Burkina Faso’s national news agency following the military operation. The mission involved substantial logistics, including both aerial and ground support. Security sources confirmed that the Burkinabe forces re-entered Mansila the day after the counter-offensive began.

Special Intervention Units of the National Gendarmerie were the first to be deployed, arriving by helicopter 24 hours after the attack. “Mansila is challenging to access due to its marshy terrain. An aerial approach was essential, requiring extreme caution,” stated an officer involved in the operation. Additional troops followed, tasked with reclaiming the military base, evacuating the wounded, and securing the town.

According to security sources, these special units remain stationed in Mansila to ensure ongoing security and stability. The successful operation not only marked the liberation of the town but also demonstrated the resolve and capability of Burkina Faso’s armed forces. The national flag flying once more over Mansila stands as a testament to their bravery and dedication.


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