UK Financial Justice Targets Former Glencore Employees in Corruption Scandal

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A significant development has emerged in the extensive Glencore corruption scandal, this time from the United Kingdom. The commodities giant, which has already pled guilty to massive corruption, admitted to bribing high-ranking African officials for years to secure or retain contracts and strategic advantages.

Consequently, Glencore was fined record amounts in 2022 by both American and British justice systems. Now, in London, the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is seeking to prosecute several former Glencore employees. This prospect has caused considerable unease, according to former Bar President Akere Muna.

The UK’s Serious Fraud Office, equivalent to the French Financial Prosecutor’s Office, is preparing to announce charges against former Glencore employees. Specializing in high-level fraud, corruption, and bribery cases, the SFO sent a letter to the Attorney General in London in June 2024, seeking permission to file complaints against those suspected of engaging in Glencore’s corrupt practices.

Akere Muna, a former Bar President, stated that this development is causing panic in Cameroon. “If the trial against individuals begins in London, it will inevitably lead to questions about who authorized these actions,” Muna explained. “It’s very likely that names will come out.”

Muna is advocating for accountability and sanctions in Cameroon, having filed three complaints with the jurisdictions of Glencore Cameroon, the National Refining Company (Sonara), and the National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH). Despite his efforts, there has been no follow-up.

According to the UK’s Serious Fraud Office, between 2012 and 2015, over $13 million in cash was periodically flown via private jets to bribe officials in Cameroon’s oil and gas sector. The Glencore scandal extends beyond Cameroon, impacting other African nations including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and South Sudan.

This new phase in the Glencore saga underscores the persistent efforts by international authorities to root out corruption and hold not just corporations but also individuals accountable for their actions. As the legal proceedings unfold, the spotlight will undoubtedly be on those who facilitated and benefited from the corrupt practices, potentially leading to significant repercussions in both the UK and Africa.


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