Madagascar: Independent MPs at the Center of Attention

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Following last Thursday’s announcement of the final results of the Malagasy legislative elections, President Andry Rajoelina and his party now hold an absolute majority by a hair’s breadth, with two more seats than required. The opposition came in with 22 seats. Attention is now riveted on the 51 “independent” lawmakers who are experiencing feverish courtship by both sides.

This is the victory of the people, the victory of the ballot box, said Augustin Andriamananoro, former Minister of Culture, who just won a seat in Antananarivo. A member of President Rajoelina close circle, Andriamananoro underlined that their majority was the key thing. “We hold the absolute majority, which is crucial and more comfortable for the central government to implement a general state policy. Today, the challenge is to form the government whereas, according to the Malagasy constitution, it is up to the majority to propose potential candidates for the post of Prime Minister.”

The new deputy revealed that his party remains open to “new companions,” stating that “many independents” have already “voluntarily” conquered the presidential majority camp. “It is evident that cooperating with the central government is beneficial to those who want to pursue local policies.”

The opposition also claims some independents are already promising to back its parliamentary group. But even if it won most of the defectors, the Firaisankina coalition would probably be well behind.

Mamy Rabenirina: “To our surprise, on Thursday, at the official proclamation of final results, some of our candidates who were ‘elected’ according to CENI results, had lost. Thousands of votes had been nullified by the HCC following complaints from our adversaries. As a consequence, we lost at least ten secured seats according to our calculations at headquarters.”

The elected deputies on the opposition platform are expecting to finally get the official status as parliamentary opposition and elect an opposition leader during this legislature.

The opposition political leader, Hajo Andrianainarivelo, believes that, despite defeat, a philosophical outlook should be maintained. “Losing an election under such conditions is more of an honor than a defeat. You know, I could have been elected if I’d used the same practices like others—purchasing votes, giving food, putting pressure, and all the power prerogatives of public power.

However, this doesn’t change anything with regards to our attitude. I will always work for opposition and make sure that our party will play its role in the public life of Madagascar for change. We’re going to continue fighting for this regime to stop using institutions for personal gain.”

The newly elected deputies are expected to meet in an extraordinary session from the 9th of July, 2024. It is within these dynamics that Madagascar will be navigating, where the role of independent lawmakers could become very instrumental in shaping the legislative future.


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