Sudan: Nearly 755,000 People Threatened by Famine

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Sudan has been involved in conflict for 14 months and the situation is even worseness than before, famine is threatening than before. Currently the United Nations has sounded the drums of alarm, as it pointed out the devastated situation of the country.

Sudanese people torn apart by war: the optimism of the international experts is decreasing significantly. In a recent report the WFP said that 755,000 people are projected to be in famine condition in the next months, besides the rise in child malnutrition rates.

Similarity, the WFP also notes that 8. Most of the already food insecure 5 million people are now facing acute food shortage due to 14 months of conflict. The only crossing point to neighbouring countries particularly Chad that is accessible by food trucks in North Darfur is Tine. Nevertheless, constant military skirmishes have made this route almost impassible.

Sudan a northeastern African country was thrown into crisis in April, 2023. When tensions between the army headed by General Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan Threats and the RSF under General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known as Hemetti, rose, civil war broke in the capital Khartoum and other parts of Sudan.

It has been estimated that more than 14,000 people lost their lives and 33,000 others sustained different types of injuries as revealed by the United nations sources. Activists believe that the given number of victims could be even higher. It has displaced more people than any other war in the history affecting more than 11 million people who had to be forced to flee their homes.

Overall, 25. In June-September 2023, more than half of Sudan’s 47 million people, 6 million people, experience ‘crisis or worse’ standards. This conflict poses a famine threat in 14 regions of the country especially if the situation escalates thereby provoking more militias.

The conflict has been characterized by gruesome incidences that human rights organizations consider as war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In the recent past, conflicts extended to new fronts where there was production of food crops for the population such as Al Jazirah state, currently dominated by Rapid Support Forces.

The situation only worsen with the international actors awaiting for potential answers to ease the humanitarian disaster happening in Sudan.


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