Chad: Online Media Association Raises Concerns Over Fake Pages and Misinformation on Social Media

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The Association of Online Media in Chad (AMET) has expressed growing concern over the recent surge of fake pages disseminating misleading information on social media. This wave of false news was particularly prominent last week following the explosion at the Goudji ammunition depot in Ndjamena. In a statement, AMET called on authorities to take decisive action to address this issue.

Bello Bakary Mana, President of AMET and Editor-in-Chief of Ialtchad, emphasized the urgency of the situation. The organization, which represents about thirty media outlets, is urging the High Authority of Media and Audiovisual (HAMA) to step in and enforce regulations.

“There are many individuals posing as journalists who spread all kinds of information online,” Mana stated in an interview with François Mazet of the Africa service. “I don’t know where they come from, who is behind them, or where they are hosted. There are probably people orchestrating this, disseminating very biased information. If there are individuals exploiting this situation for political purposes, it is absolutely not endorsed by AMET.”

In its statement, AMET specifically cited the recent fire at the Goudji ammunition depot as a case where misinformation proliferated.

“It seems that some people, perhaps not in favor of online press freedom, are trying to discredit us by taking advantage of fake pages,” added Bello Bakary Mana.

“This statement is essentially a clarification. That’s why we have called on HAMA to assume its responsibilities. As AMET, we have taken proactive steps to address the challenges of misinformation. We are prepared to support HAMA in its efforts to eradicate the spread of false information, whether from abroad or within the country.”

By calling for stricter oversight and regulation, AMET aims to uphold the integrity of online journalism in Chad and ensure that the public receives accurate and reliable information.


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