Burkina Faso: CNDH call for human rights abuses

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This paper presents the documentary, a Burkina Faso Shrouded in silence and fear, the CNDH is one of the few with a voice. The CNDH is an independent public authority and a national institution fighting for the promotion, protection, and defense of human rights in Nigeria; the CNDH on Tuesday, June 18th, released a statement regarding the following important factors in the country.

Expressing solidarity and compassion for the soldiers and Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland who have perished in the fight against terrorism, the CNDH emphasized a point reaffirmed during the adoption of the new transitional charter at the national conference on May 25th: the progress made in the subsequent entrenchment of the rule of law in Burkina Faso.

Finally, the CNDH stated that it was gravely concerned by the increasing use of hate speech on social media and during some of the public gatherings. For this reason, the commission describes this trend as alarming, a development that erodes social cohesion as well as the efforts towards enhancing the rule of law in the given country.

The commission received many reports concerning extra-judicial killings and other abuses including arbitrary arrests and abductions by unknown persons not in accordance with legal provisions. CNDH statement also lamented that non-execution of the judiciary decisions which are crucial vices that hinder delivery of justice.

The gaps were also filled by the CNDH on a growing domestic debt that has clipped the growth of economic activity and the rights of some workers. According to them, the commission called on the government to address these concerns holistically.

Therefore the CNDH requested the government clearly solve these and also appealed to the transitional president of Burkina Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré to exercise his responsibility of being the custodian of judicial independence.

When a human rights independent authority such as the CNDH is making such a statement, it underlines the need for Burkina Faso to act correspondingly to address human rights abuses, reinforce the integrity of its judicial system and combat hatred speeches for a society to become more ordered, just and secure.


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