Sudan: UN Security Council Calls for Ceasefire in El-Fasher

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The international community is urgently calling for an end to the siege of El-Fasher in Darfur. On Thursday, June 13th, fourteen members of the UN Security Council voted to demand a cessation of hostilities around the city, where hundreds of thousands of civilians are trapped. Only Russia abstained from the vote.

The Council’s decision was nearly unanimous, despite taking almost two weeks to negotiate the resolution. The fighting around El-Fasher, including the siege by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), must stop. The international community is advocating for a general de-escalation of violence, especially as fighting erupted in this previously peaceful area only last month.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has described the situation as an “alarming turning point.” The Council has requested that the UN leader present recommendations to enhance civilian protection in Sudan. The UN special envoy is expected to brief diplomats on the situation following his return from Darfur next week.

El-Fasher is a significant concern, hosting numerous refugees and serving as a central hub for humanitarian aid distribution. Human Rights Watch has urged the UN to influence the African Union to deploy a mission to protect civilians.

The war in Sudan has largely fallen off the global radar, yet it remains a serious concern in New York, especially considering that only 60% of the humanitarian budget for Sudan has been funded so far.

This critical situation highlights the urgent need for international intervention and support to prevent further humanitarian disasters and ensure the safety and protection of civilians in El-Fasher and beyond.

Soukaina Sghir

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