DRC: Two Years On, Bunagana Remains Under M23 Control, Kinshasa Favors Military Option

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Two years ago, on June 13th, 2022, the town of Bunagana fell into the hands of the M23, a rebel group supported by Rwanda. This border town, offering direct access to neighboring Uganda, is deemed strategically significant both militarily and economically.

The capture of Bunagana by the M23 marked a critical turning point in the rebels’ advance. Today, this locality is considered the headquarters of the movement, from which most of its statements are now issued. The second anniversary of this event coincided with the transfer of power in Kinshasa between the outgoing and incoming Ministers of Defense. However, the situation in Bunagana was not directly addressed.

While not specifically mentioning Bunagana, the new Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Guy Kabombo Muadiamvita, expressed his indignation over the “humiliation suffered by the country.” He emphasized the major challenges ahead: reclaiming occupied territories, restoring state authority, and facilitating the return of displaced populations.

Bunagana remains entirely under M23 control. The East African Community (EAC) force, mandated for offensive operations, has been asked by Congolese authorities to withdraw from the territory. The reason cited is the perceived overly close cohabitation between this force and the M23, particularly in Bunagana.

The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) have attempted to regain control of the area, but without notable success. However, with the involvement of the private military company Agemira RDC, the FARDC’s aerial capabilities have been enhanced. They have conducted targeted strikes, notably using a Sukhoi aircraft last October against joint positions of M23 fighters and Rwandan soldiers near Kibumba, along the Rutshuru-Bunagana road.

Despite these efforts, Bunagana and its surroundings remain under rebel control. The diplomatic process has stalled, and Kinshasa continues to prioritize military action with the primary objective of liberating National Route 2.

This enduring conflict highlights the complexity and persistence of rebel control in eastern DRC, underscoring the challenges faced by the government in restoring stability and sovereignty over its territory.


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