Controversy Over Amendments to Ivory Coast’s Penal Code

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ivory coast

Ivory Coast’s National Assembly passed a significant piece of legislation aimed at combating terrorism and money laundering. This bill, which introduces additional penalties for specific offenses, has ignited a heated debate within the opposition. While all members of parliament agree on the critical importance of addressing these issues, the amendments have not been universally welcomed.

The legislation, which modifies the Penal Code to incorporate enhanced penalties for money laundering and terrorism, was passed with a majority vote of 124 deputies. However, 72 opposition deputies opposed the bill, primarily due to a contentious clause they believe restricts freedom of expression. The crux of the controversy lies in Article 185, which targets individuals who “glorify crimes or incite the public to disapprove of authority and show solidarity with one or more convicts.”

Hubert Oulaye, the president of the PPA-CI parliamentary group, expressed strong objections, arguing that this provision infringes on free speech. “This is excessive; it undermines freedom of expression,” he stated. Oulaye pointed out that the clause has been broadened to include acts of public disorder and threats to state security. With the presidential election just a year away, he views this as an attempt to stifle the opposition.

On the other hand, Abdoulaye Ben Meïté, a deputy from the RHDP, offered a different perspective. “This article has existed since 1981,” he noted, emphasizing that the recent changes only simplified the wording without altering its substance. Ben Meïté accused the opposition of refusing to accept that politicians should be subject to this aspect of the law.

The bill must still be approved by the Senate, and the opposition is considering appealing to the Constitutional Council. This move underscores the ongoing tension and the critical balance between maintaining national security and preserving democratic freedoms in Ivory Coast.


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