Chaos and Displacement as M23 Offensive Threatens Kanyabayonga in the DRC

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The situation remains volatile around Kanyabayonga in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This locality has been under threat from the March 23 Movement (M23) rebels, allied with the Rwandan army, for over two weeks. On the evening of Thursday, June 6th, the rebels launched an offensive that was repelled by the Congolese army and local militias. However, fighting resumed on Friday morning, creating further turmoil.

By late morning on Friday, clashes had reignited on the outskirts of Kanyabayonga, a town approximately 150 kilometers from Goma that has been hosting tens of thousands of displaced persons. The previous day, M23 rebels, supported by the Rwandan army, attempted to infiltrate the town center on foot but were met with resistance from the Congolese army and the Wazalendo militias. This coalition successfully repelled the attack. “By Friday, the town was deserted,” reported a local civil society source.

Prior to this offensive, nearly the entire population had already fled. Kanyabayonga has been under threat from M23 and its allies for about two weeks. The town holds strategic significance due to its proximity to Beni and Butembo, two key cities in the North Kivu province and critical entry points to the Lubero territory.

Despite the ongoing threat, Kanyabayonga has managed to hold out. However, on June 4, the Congolese army accused some Wazalendo militias of “collaborating with the enemy” and gave the warlords Kabido and Mayani 48 hours to identify themselves.

The continuous conflict underscores the dire situation in the region, where strategic locations are fiercely contested, and the civilian population faces the constant threat of violence and displacement.


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