Gabon: The National Union Resumes Activities Despite National Dialogue Recommendations

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Among the 1,000 recommendations from the inclusive national dialogue held in Libreville last April, was the suspension of political parties. Two months later, this recommendation remains highly contested. Political parties argue that the participants in the dialogue made an exaggerated decision that violates the Transition Charter and other laws. Beyond mere contestation, the National Union, the party of the current President of the Senate, has decided to resume its activities.

The party has issued a directive to its members, instructing them to continue their activities as usual.

In its directive, the National Union urges its members to calmly continue their usual activities. They are encouraged to proceed with memberships, establish local branches, and carry out other activities related to the party’s expansion throughout the country.

Jeanine Taty Koumba, President of the National Union, asserts that this stance does not violate any laws of the Republic: “The activities of political parties are governed by legal texts. Therefore, as long as there is no law prohibiting the activities of political parties, we believe we are operating within the bounds of legality, meaning our activities can continue until any new laws state otherwise.”

Contentious National Dialogue Recommendations

Participants in the inclusive national dialogue also argued that Gabon has too many political parties: 102 parties for a population of approximately 2 million people. They suggested consolidating these parties into four major blocs, a proposal deemed unacceptable by the National Union. “Freedom of association is recognized by law; we do not see why we should be confined to groups or blocs that, for us, make no sense.”

The recommendations from the national dialogue are supposed to be transformed into law, which has not yet occurred.

This ongoing debate highlights the tensions between political freedom and regulatory measures in Gabon’s evolving political landscape. The National Union’s defiance underscores a commitment to maintaining its autonomy and activities despite external pressures and proposed legislative changes.


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