Strengthening Bilateral Cooperation between Conakry and Moscow

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The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov commenced a new African tour on Monday. His first destination was Guinea, a country he had not visited since the coup d’état led by Mamadi Doumbouya on September 5th, 2021. This visit holds great significance as it marks Lavrov’s first meeting with the transitional president and his foreign minister. Conakry and Moscow have both expressed their commitment to reinforcing their bilateral cooperation.

Lavrov’s visit to Guinea was brief, lasting only a few hours, but its symbolic value cannot be overlooked. Not only did he hold talks with his Guinean counterpart, but he was also received by Mamadi Doumbouya at the presidential palace in Conakry.

Despite the September 5 coup, which did not cause a rupture in the Guinea-Russia relationship, this visit serves as a testament to the strong ties between the two nations. They have affirmed their readiness to enhance cooperation in various domains, including the economy, defense, counterterrorism, health, and education.

During their discussions, the transitional president reiterated that “Guinea remains an open and sovereign country that cooperates with all nations.” Mamadi Doumbouya, adhering to his diplomatic approach, continues to advocate for Guinea’s neutrality and non-alignment.

The official communication issued by Conakry following the visit emphasizes the “solid historical and diplomatic links” that have united the two countries for the past 65 years.


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