US Vice President Kamala Harris Unveils Ambitious Plan to Expand Internet Access Across Africa by 2030

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Kamala Harris

US Vice President Kamala Harris has announced a groundbreaking initiative to expand internet access to 80% of Africa’s population by 2030, up from the current 40%. This announcement, made on Friday, aligns with her commitments during her visit to Africa last year and coincides with Kenyan President William Ruto’s visit to Washington. Harris and President Ruto are set to discuss how public-private partnerships can bolster economic growth at a fireside chat hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Harris’ proposal, previewed by The Associated Press, aims to advance digital innovation across Africa, a commitment she emphasized during her visits to Ghana, Tanzania, and Zambia. Africa faces significant challenges in attracting the capital necessary for developing its industrial and technological sectors. The United Nations reported a sharp decline in foreign direct investment in Africa, from $80 billion in 2021 to $45 billion in 2022. Despite comprising roughly 18% of the global population, Africa received only 3.5% of the world’s foreign direct investment.

To address these challenges, Harris is launching the Partnership for Digital Access in Africa, a nonprofit organization focused on improving internet connectivity across the continent. Additionally, she is spearheading the Mobilizing Access to the Digital Economy Alliance (MADE), in collaboration with the African Development Bank Group, Mastercard, and other organizations. MADE will initiate a pilot program to provide digital access to 3 million farmers in Kenya, Tanzania, and Nigeria, with plans to expand to other regions.

Moreover, Harris is highlighting the success of the Women in the Digital Economy initiative, which aims to bridge the gender divide in technology access. This effort has already generated over $1 billion in public and private commitments, with further U.S. contributions pending congressional approval.

This comprehensive plan underscores the Biden administration’s commitment to fostering digital innovation and economic growth in Africa through strategic partnerships and targeted investments.


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