DRC: FARDC Offensive Against M23 Continues in North Kivu

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In eastern DRC, hostilities persist as the FARDC (Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo) continue their offensive against the M23, which is backed by Rwanda. This marks the fifth day of renewed clashes, with the Congolese army receiving support from local militias known as the Wazalendo. The intensified fighting follows a strategic offensive by the FARDC aimed at reclaiming control over key localities in the territories of Masisi and Rutshuru.

In Rutshuru territory, battles have been concentrated in the Rwindi region for the past three days, with explosions still echoing through the Bwito chiefdom as of Friday.

In Masisi territory, the combat has raged for five days, particularly along the Bweremana axis. The FARDC claims to have retaken Ndumba Hill, a strategically important area on the route to Bukavu.

Meanwhile, the M23 is entrenching its positions in some localities, establishing what it calls a proximity police force to better control the towns and consolidate its front lines.

These renewed conflicts have exacerbated the security and humanitarian crisis in the neighboring province of South Kivu. Bombardments have impacted the Minova area and its surroundings, home to tens of thousands of displaced individuals and a critical supply route for Goma. In Goma, new waves of displaced persons are arriving, forming spontaneous sites in western neighborhoods such as Mugunga and Lac Vert.

The situation remains dire as these displaced populations continue to seek refuge from the escalating violence, further straining the region’s already limited resources.


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