Ivorian NGO Raises Alarm on Liberian-Origin Cocoa Beans Exported by Ivory Coast

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In a recent investigation unveiled on Monday, April 22nd, an Ivorian NGO disclosed that cocoa beans exported by Ivory Coast may originate from deforested lands in neighboring Liberia. Conducted by the organization IDEF (Initiatives for Community Development and Forest Conservation), the inquiry sheds light on the pressing need for robust control mechanisms over exported products, particularly as the European Union gears up to implement new regulations aimed at combating imported deforestation.

Since 2018, a noticeable trend of cocoa producers migrating from Côte d’Ivoire to Liberia has emerged. The investigators focused on three villages where the influx of Ivorian farmers has led to fresh deforestation of primary forests. Additionally, photographs included in the study vividly illustrate these sites of concern.

Remarkably, despite the absence of proper road infrastructure in these areas, cocoa produced in Liberia has been routinely sold in Côte d’Ivoire for at least three cocoa seasons, according to IDEF.

The new European regulation prohibits the importation of cocoa derived from deforested areas after the end of 2020. Already in effect since June, it will be concretely enforced for cocoa exported in autumn 2024. Consequently, this investigation highlights Liberia as a country at “high risk of deforestation” just months before the EU’s deforestation regulation takes full effect.

While the exact scale of transactions and the extent of the phenomenon remain unquantified, IDEF asserts that the observed facts demonstrate a glaring weakness, if not the absence, of supply chain control mechanisms.

IDEF advocates for the Ivorian authorities to expedite the implementation of a national traceability system and the distribution of producer cards. Furthermore, it raises concerns about the credibility of certification label mechanisms, suggesting the engagement of external observers to conduct on-ground inspections for multinational companies operating in the region.

This call to action underscores the urgency of addressing the complex interplay between cocoa production, deforestation, and international trade regulations. As stakeholders navigate this intricate landscape, collaboration and stringent oversight emerge as indispensable tools in safeguarding both forests and the integrity of the cocoa supply chain.

Soukaina Sghir

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