From Cultural Ties to Border Tensions: The Rocky Relationship Between Morocco and Algeria

Mouad Boudina
Mouad Boudina
3 Min Read
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Diplomatic relations between Morocco and Algeria have been strained for several decades. The two countries have had disagreements over various issues, including the Moroccan Sahara region, trade relations, and border disputes. Despite efforts to improve relations, the two countries have not been able to resolve their differences.

Back to the history of the dispute

In the past, there have been economic, linguistic, and cultural exchanges between Morocco and Algeria. Yet, the relationship started to deteriorate in the 1960s when Morocco attained independence and asserted its sovereignty over the Moroccan Sahara, a region that Algeria also claimed. Up until a truce was struck in 1991, the two nations were engaged in a military conflict as a result of the disagreement.

Since then, diplomatic efforts to settle the Moroccan Sahara problem have been made, but no agreement has been reached between the two nations. Morocco has made efforts to strengthen its position in the Moroccan Sahara region recently, including erecting infrastructure and luring international investment. Algeria has accused Morocco of breaking international law, causing tensions between the two countries.

What are the reasons behind the conflict between the two neighbors?

The two nations have disagreed over trade relations in addition to the Moroccan Sahara issue. Algeria has accused Morocco of dumping goods on its market, and Morocco has accused Algeria of placing unfair trade barriers. The amount of trade between the two nations has decreased as a result of these problems.

Border issues have also been a source of stress. Since 1994, the border between Morocco and Algeria has been closed due to an impasse between the two nations. Those who live near the border have difficulty because they are cut off from their relatives and cannot obtain basic amenities.

What solutions have been made to resolve this historic conflict?

High-level discussions and conversations have been held to strengthen Moroccan-Algerian ties, but these efforts have not been able to address the fundamental problems. Both nations must put in a deliberate effort to resolve their issues and forge a relationship that benefits both parties.

How can the two brotherly countries overcome the dispute?

In conclusion, conflicts over the Moroccan Sahara, trade links, and border issues have caused the diplomatic ties between Morocco and Algeria to be strained for many years. There has been no success in resolving these problems, thus both nations must work together to strengthen their relationship. Finding a peaceful solution to the problems that have divided the two countries for so long would need diplomacy and dialogue.

Mouad Boudina

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