Senegal: in Dakar, Controversy over a Shortage of Sugar in the Middle of Ramadan

maryam lahbal
maryam lahbal
2 Min Read

Senegal is currently experiencing a sugar crisis, and there are differing opinions on who is responsible. The Senegalese sugar company, which is responsible for the majority of the sugar supply in the country, has accused traders of creating the shortage. However, the National Union of Traders and Industrialists of Senegal, also known as UNACOIS Yessal, has denied any involvement. Alla Dieng, the executive director of UNACOIS Yessal, expressed disappointment at the accusations and emphasized the importance of working together to resolve the crisis.

“Unfortunately, it is a repetitive tension that comes with every moment of Ramada. But this is due to several factors. The sugar company produces about 135,000 tons per year. The Senegalese consume 185,000 tons per year. So, each year, there is a gap of 50,000 to 60,000 tonnes that we have to import! » said Alla Dieng.

Regarding the accusations of non-marketed stocks, Alla Dieng replies: “But that, if it is proven, it is the State which must be strong to track down these people, the State must take action! »

The sugar shortage in Senegal has caused quite a stir among consumers, who are left wondering when the situation will be resolved. However, in a recent interview with the Senegalese Press Agency, the director of internal trade in Senegal provided some much-needed reassurance. He emphasized that sugar is indeed available in the country, despite some distribution malfunctions that the state services are currently addressing.

Maryam Lahbal

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