A Ram Sam Sam: The Cultural Phenomenon of The Song and Its Origins

Mohamed El yabbouhi
Mohamed El yabbouhi
5 Min Read
A Ram Sam Sam

A Ram Sam Sam is a children’s game song that has transcended linguistic and cultural boundaries, becoming a global phenomenon. This playful melody has captivated the hearts of children and adults alike, spreading joy and unity through its catchy tune and interactive nature. So what is the origin of “A Ram Sam Sam”, its cultural significance and how it have evolved over time.

Origins of “A Ram Sam Sam”

“A Ram Sam Sam” traces its roots back to Morocco, where it is believed to have originated as a traditional folk song. Although its precise origin is unclear, the song has been passed down through generations, evolving and adapting to different cultures and languages.

The lyrics of the song consist of simple, repetitive phrases that are easy for children to learn and remember. In its original Moroccan form, the lyrics are in the Arabic language:

A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam.

Guli guli guli guli guli ram sam sam.

A rafiq, a rafiq.

Guli guli guli guli guli ram sam sam.

While the first sentence may not have any specific meaning, the word “Guli” means tell me or say, and “rafiq” means companion. In general the words are meant to be playful and engaging, encouraging participation and interaction.

Cultural Significance of A Ram Sam Sam.

Thanks to the simplicity of the song, it gained and international appeal. The melody is easy to sing, and the song’s structure allows for adaptation and improvisation, making it accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds.

The song has become a favorite among educators and parents. Because it promotes the development of motor skills, coordination, and social interaction. Through clapping, tapping, and other movements, children follow a rhythm and work together as they participate in the game. Moreover, the song fosters cultural exchange and by introducing children to music and traditions from different parts of the world.

Global Adaptations and Variations.

As the song traveled beyond Morocco, it underwent numerous transformations to suit the tastes and preferences of various cultures. It has been adapted into different languages, often with new lyrics that maintain the original spirit of the melody.

For instance, in English-speaking countries, the song has taken on the following form:

Aram sam sam, aram sam sam.

Guli guli guli guli guli ram sam sam.

A-roo-dee, a-roo-dee.

Guli guli guli guli guli ram sam sam.

In France, the song is known as “Am stram gram,” which retains the original rhythm while incorporating French words:

Am stram gram, pic et pic et colégram Bour et bour et ratatam Am stram gram

These variations demonstrate the adaptability of the song and its ability to bring people together, regardless of language or cultural differences.

Modern Popularity and Influence

The widespread appeal of the song has led to its inclusion in numerous television shows, movies, and commercials, ensuring that the song continues to reach new audiences. Additionally, many popular children’s music artists and groups have covered the song, introducing it to younger generations.

Recently, social media platforms such as YouTube and TikTok have further fueled the song’s popularity. Users have uploaded countless videos showcasing creative adaptations of the song. Often featuring elaborate choreography and new verses, further solidifying it as a beloved and enduring cultural phenomenon.

Game Instructions

When singing the phrase, “Aram sam sam” kids clap hands on their lap.

On the second phrase “Guli guli” kids spin hand over hand in a circle form.

While On “A rafiq”, they hold hands apart miming that they’re pulling apart something soft and sticky.


“Aram Sam Sam” stands as a testament to the power of music to bridge cultural divides and connect people. Originating as a traditional Moroccan folk song, the melody has transcended language borders and national boundaries to become a global sensation. With its catchy tune, playful lyrics, and interactive nature, the song continues to delight and entertain generations of children and adults alike, promoting understanding, unity, and a shared love of music.

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